Upcoming Services:

Every Thursday:

  • 5:45-6:45pm – Eucharistic Adoration (after Holy Mass at 5:15pm)

Every Friday during Lent:

  • 6:30pm – Holy Rosary
  • 7:00pm – Stations of the Cross

An Invitation from Bishop Libasci

Revive. Ignite. Transform.

Bishop Libasci invites everyone to participate in a special New Hampshire Eucharistic Pilgrimage during the Jubilee Year. For 33 days, from May 18 through June 19, 2025, our Eucharistic Lord will be prayerfully processed throughout the Diocese – which encompasses the entire State of New Hampshire – stopping at every parish and Catholic school.

Inspired by their journey of 1,200 miles to Indianapolis during the National Eucharistic Revival in July of 2024, the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love organized this pilgrimage in partnership with Bishop Libasci and Diocesan staff to bring a similar experience to our local communities. Their careful consultation with other dioceses and commitment to spreading love and zeal for the Eucharist has resulted in a detailed logistical plan. It will provide the faithful with an opportunity to participate in their home parishes and schools with Eucharistic events such as Mass, adoration and public procession.

The New Hampshire Eucharistic Pilgrimage will kick off on Sunday, May 18 at the 10:30 a.m. Mass at Saint Joseph Cathedral and will end there on Thursday, June 19, the Feast of Corpus Christi. Information about the statewide route and specific dates the pilgrimage will visit the Diocese’s 89 parishes and 26 schools. Check the Diocese of Manchester NH Jubilee 2025 Events page often for updates!

CLICK HERE to read Bishop Libasci’s Decree Promulgating the Jubilee Year of Hope, or read it below.

Did you know: The bulletins are available online?

The weekly bulletins are available online.  The link under Catholic Links at the bottom of this page will bring you to where you can view the last 12 bulletins.  If you catch the timing right, you can even catch the bulletin for next Sunday! By clicking this link or this one, or this one… you can view them all.  The publisher even gives you the ability to subscribe and get them automatically sent to your email!  There is a little subscribe button in the upper right of Recent Publications blue-background box.

What’s New:

Masses are back to normal with the exceptions: (Updated 4/16/2023: Usher basket collection back in effect)

  • No Sign of Peace
  • No distribution of the Precious Blood


I find it amazing that I have been here since June of 2003.  Time truly flies by us!  It is wonderful to have such a vibrant parish, including countless families that have been part of St. Patrick Parish for generations.  It is also encouraging to see so many new and young faces that have become part of the fabric of this community.  We are indeed blessed!  As we begin our next 130 years, let us recommit ourselves to our God, our faith, our tradition, and our mission to make Jesus present in the world.

— Father Bill


Mission Statement

The Parish Community of Saint Patrick’s, Jaffrey, New Hampshire, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and through personal prayer, strives to create an atmosphere that encourages all people to expand their participation in this Catholic community and to grow in their knowledge and love of God.  It is our vision to reach all people with the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Church.