The Reasons Behind These
Apologetical Explanations
What is apologetics?
Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and reverence; and keep your conscience clear, so that, when you are abused, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. (1 Pt 3:15-16)
Apologetics is the subset of theology that is concerned with explaining, defending, and justifying Catholic beliefs and practices; apologetics is concerned with developing and presenting explanations against people’s objections to or denial of the reasonableness of the Catholic Faith, Christianity, revealed religion in general, or even the human person’s need for religion at all.
The name apologetics has nothing to do with apologizing for what we believe; it is derived from the Greek apologia, which means “defense.” Far from being an “apology” for the Catholic Faith, apologetics seeks to offer thorough, reasoned defenses when people present objects to Catholic doctrines and practices.
Why does this Bible [webmaster: website] have these apologetical explanations?
St. Peter wrote to everybody in the Church, “Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for hte hope that is in you” (1 Pt 3:15). It is your duty and divine calling to be prepared to defend Catholic beliefs and practices when they are questioned or challenged.
The Commentaries in the Didache Bible [webmaster: this website] are catechetical; this means that they are concerned with instructing you in the Catholic Faith. Many of the commentaries show how various Catholic beliefs and practices either have their origins in Sacred Scripture or are consonant with the revealed Word of God. By studying the commentaries you can learn more about the scriptural support for and the divine institution of the Catholic Faith.
The 105 apologetical explanations in the Didache Bible [webmaster: this website] flow out of that catechesis. Many people have objections to the Catholic Faith because they misunderstand it or simply don’t like what it might be asking of them; and it is impossible to live in the modern world and avoid these objections altogether. It is important that you understand Catholic beliefs and their reasonableness and are able to explain these beliefs to others. These apologetical explanations provide short, reasonable answer to common objections to the Faith. Each is based on Sacred Scripture and provides references to where you can find additional information in the Catechism. [webmaster: links to USCCB online Bible, the Catechism or Vatican documents have been embedded in each apologetics page where possible by clicking for the verse / reading]
When speaking with others about the Faith, it is essnetial that you pray for them. Prayer can often accomplish what all the reasoned arguments in the world cannot. Your prayers and sacrifices can help grace do its work so the objector may progress along the path of understanding and toward conversion of heart and mind.
The contents of this page are Copyright © 2014 Rev. James Socias (of the Midwest Theological Forum). These apologetics are reproduced with written consent of said copyright holder for St Patricks Parish, Jaffrey, NH website only. Reproduction of any sort must be approved directly by said copyright holder.
To get a hardcopy of these Apologetics or the Didache Bible please visit the Midwest Theological Forum (publisher) at: